The Seattle Grid Seattle
Hoover Law Group

Hoover Law Group


1 Reviews


  • Hoover Law Group
  • Hoover Law Group
  • Hoover Law Group
  • Hoover Law Group
  • Hoover Law Group
  • Hoover Law Group
  • Hoover Law Group
  • Hoover Law Group



It was when I had an accident last October. Eleven months later, I finally finished. When I was in Mr. Hovers's office, the insurance they called was never received, but only one email was sent back in May. In the exact words of the fucking Mr. Hoobs, he literally showed the length of a few sentences of the email he sent back in May. The fucking Mei people. It was a hoax, but I kept my mouth shut. Because I just wanted to get the last check and I didn't have to talk to such a poor law firm. Please note that three months have passed since May. So I don't know why he's not following the phone. Literally, he, or anyone, could have sent an email. They let me and my friends, who were run over by a semi-truck, and they get our information at least once a week, and they don't return it from insurance. What if I didn't answer? I don't know why. I didn't need to go out with them again, and I know who I'll go if I have another accident.