The Seattle Grid Seattle

William A Taylor


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He served Finny Ridge Area. Welcome to Phinney Ridge Legal Services. William A. Taylor, lawyer. At a convenient location in the Paney Ridge area, he can offer personal legal services at reasonable cost. He is married to two adult boys. He and his wife Nell live in the Sunset Hill district of Balad. He is a Mariners fan, a weekend golfer and a former marathon runner. His hobby is restoring a home, garden project, and classic British sports car. real property plan will and trust permanent mandate medical directive settlement of land unprobated Community Property Agreement Business & Commercial Corporate and LLC partnership Purchase and sales agreements contract real estate Certificate - Lease Contract - Trust Act Prepare or review documents Review loan documents Bank Agency 15 years education and professional experience B.S.M.E. Kansas State University, 1961 Boeing Engineer 1961-1962 J.D. Washburn University, 1965 1965 Washington State Attorneys Association 1968: West District of the Federal Court of Washington state attorney assistant 1968 - 1977: Private business 1986 - Current Acting Bank Agent 1978-1985
