The Seattle Grid Seattle
Davis Wright Tremaine

Davis Wright Tremaine


7 Reviews


The National Law Office has more than 550 lawyers. Increase customer success. Simplify your most complex challenges


  • Davis Wright Tremaine
  • Davis Wright Tremaine
  • Davis Wright Tremaine
  • Davis Wright Tremaine
  • Davis Wright Tremaine
  • Davis Wright Tremaine



Our company was faced with the situation where legal advice was needed early. I have a connection with Karen Henry and I can't say enough. All that we gave, she treated with skill and speed, and we knew we were in the very efficient hands. It took Karen time to solve the legal problems, but he was there, living a clear and comfortable life. I can't fully recommend her if you need the answer you want, the instruction you give, the absolute knowledge of the law, the answer that has what it means to you.


This is one of the major law firms in Seattle. While DWT is a nation-owned company with excellent reconstruction, Seattle is a "mother ship."

Like all the discoveries of great nations, DWT also provides legal services in a wide range of industries. It is especially famous for the practice of the first revision law and the Constitution Revision Law.


If you are looking for a good job lawyer, I recommend it to Karen Henry. She looks at the details, is ethical, wonderful and has a deep knowledge of law. He is a reliable person and can do the best in the field of law.


He is very unhappy with his experience at DWT in Los Angeles, especially with Karen Henry. She didn't read my settlement agreement entirely. The company wrote to me about the matter and offered me free legal services in case it would harm me in the future. A few months later, I learned that the "lawyer" did not understand the rules of the arbitration agency, so he signed a settlement without the correct information. I was informed by mistake. Don't hire me. It's a terrible experience.


Jenna Mooney of Davis Light Tolemy has been advising us about our business for several years. She helps with our policy manual, cares about our own needs, and can be used in emergencies whenever they come. She and she are investing firmly in our future.


Thank you for helping me with the Dan Savage It Better Better Better project. LGBT The lives of Americans are different.


These bastards say "probono" has the following meaning: We charge public schools in Seattle for more than $1,000,000 in change.

DWTLLP, if you are going to do good, do good. Don't steal from your school-age children, say it's the cost of your good deeds.

Bunchoushotsuki pork.